티스토리 뷰


<Modern C++ Design>과 Mike Acton

devsong 2015. 3. 11. 11:09

Modern C++ Design(모던 C++ 디자인)
안드레 알렉산드레스쿠 저/이기형 역/곽용재 감수

얼마 전 Andrei Alexandrescu의 <Modern C++ Design>을 읽다가 도무지 이해가 가지 않아 내 자신을 한탄하며 중간에 책을 덮었다. 그 쯤 Mike Acton이 CppCon 2014에서 발표한 "Data-Oriented Design and C++" 을 봤다. 부족한 영어 실력이라  발표 내용을 100% 이해하지는 못했지만 두 사람은 C++ Design에 대해서 다른 시각을 가지고 있음은 분명했다.

Mike Acton "Data-Oriented Design and C++"


1. Software is a platform.

2. Code designed around model of the World.

3. Code is more important than data.

위의 거짓으로 인한 문제들

1. Poor Performance

2. Poor Concurrency

3. Poor Optimizability

4. Poor Stability

5. Poor Testability

1. Hardware is the platform.

2. Design around the data, Not an idealized word.

3. Your main responsibility is to transform data, Solve that first, Not the code design.

디자인 패턴을 맹신하지 말자

"Design patterns are spoonfeed material for brainless programmers incapable of independent thought, who will be resolved to producing code as mediocre as the design patterns they use to create it" - Christer Ericson, Director of Technology @ Sony Santa Monica

Design patterns are from hell! http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=44 

Design patterns are from hell^2! http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=81

- James Song
